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You've staked out a vision, studied the competition, and run the numbers now, how to get from point A to point B? Use an execution strategy as your go-to-launch playbook. Your execution strategy contains all the nuts-and-bolts plans you need to start the business, from identifying key milestones to establishing performance metrics that will help you benchmark your progress.

Staffing goals, risk mitigation, startup tactics, and any other specifics your business requires, from technology specs to strategic sourcing relationships, should all be concretely described to give potential investors confidence that you know what it takes to get to launch.

Full of useful charts and tools for creating your own action plans, this course also looks at real-life examples to show how elements of the execution strategy come into play. Armed with the downloads plus the accompanying workshop session, you'll have everything you need to develop an execution strategy that sets out the steps along your path to success.

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Develop a Solid Execution Strategy


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